Tanzer 25 Projects

Main Sheet Traveler

LED Lights








Main Sheet Traveler

A few months ago, our original main sheet traveler bit the big one.  The bearings fell out and it became really hard to move! The original had no control lines and was extremely difficult to move under load.

So we started the search for a new system that would be suitable for the T-25.  After looking at a number of systems, we decided to go with a Harken ‘mid range’ system.  We chose this one over the small Harken unit because of the large loading produced by the main (which is bigger than the T-22, 7.5, 26, 27, 8.5, 28, and 29), and mid-boom sheeting.

After removing the old system, we quickly realized that the new traveler car would not fit in the depression on the deck intended for it.  This was true even for the high profile track.  This meant that we needed to devise a spacer for the unit that would be durable under marine conditions, and not made of teak because we did not want to deal with the cost or the maintenance of having more wood on the boat.

We decided to use 5/8” all PVC lumber (KOMA Trim) designed for outdoor trim applications that the local building supply store stocked.  Note this is an extruded ALL PVC product without fillers, not TREX which has a lot of wood fiber in it.

We used ¼-20 stainless bolts and backing washers to hold this all to the deck (through the track).  Interesting finding was that the starboard hole even with the seat edge was on top of the bulkhead.  A wood screw was used there, not a bolt.

Ploysulfide caulk was used to bed everything.

Making the spacer:

Step 1:  We ripped the board down to size and drilled ¼” holes every 10cm to match the Harken track.

Step 2:  We drilled 1” recesses on the BOTTOM of the track.  This was our idea to make a good gasket to seal the spacer to the deck, and to seal the bolts where they go through the deck.

This is a view of what the spacer looks like compared to the traveler:

Ok, so my shop is a little messy!

This is the port view after installation:

Port closeup:

Traveler in the depression:

Wide angle:

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