Webmail - Whatever happened to Squirrelmail?


Whatever happened to Squirrelmail?

Squirrelmail has not been updated in years. Therefore, Squirrelmail was deemed a security risk.

The last major security server update discontinued Squirrelmail as a webmail alternative. The two current choices are Horde mail and Roundcube. As noted before, webmail programs are NOT intended to replace email programs on your computer. Webmail is only offered as a convenience feature to our customers.

To check your email, log into your webmail account: http://tqci.net/webmail or http://tqci.com/webmail

Note: This "Web Based email" feature is NOT meant to replace what you are already using.

Webmail is an additional resource for checking your email. It will prompt all users to enter their username and password each time. Your email program (i.e., Netscape Mail, Microsoft Outlook Express, Eudora, etc.) is designed to save your username and password on your personal computer, whereas this feature is accessible by everyone via the World Wide Web. Webmail is only offered as a convenience features for our customers. Webmail programs may change with server updates.

If you have any additional questions, please email techsupport@tqci.net