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Creating a web page

Short Explanation:
- Create your webpage / website.
- Open your FTP program
- Connect to www.tqci.net, using your username and password that you chose
- Move into your public_html directory
- Upload your html files, images files, sound files, etc.
- Go to http://www.tqci.net/~your_login_name to see your webpage

Long Explanation:
How and why it works:

Every thing you see on the Internet is made up from a simple code known as HTML, which stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. This coding is what directs your Internet Browser, such as the Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Netscape Navigator or Communicator, what to show, where to show it, how to show it, etc. Basically, all you need to do is place some of your own HTML files, as well as any image or sound files that are appropriate on our server, and when someone hits your URL, they will see what your HTML directs them to see.
How do you make your mark on the World Wide Web?

1. Understand HTML
You must first have a good understanding on what exactly an HTML file consists of, how to create one, and what all the coding means. I would suggest, for those who are new comers, to check out these sites that I have listed below. These are an outstanding place to start learning the basics. There are also several programs available today that will allow you to create the page like a word processor, and create the HTML coding for you. Some popular ones are Microsoft's Front Page 97 or 98, Microsoft Word, and many others.
Here are some good references that I have found for HTML:

A beginners guide to HTML

Intro to HTML

Intermediate HTML reference

You can create the HTML using any standard word processor, and name the file appropriately with either a ".htm", or ".html" extension. The first web page I created was using "notepad" in Windows95.

2. Get an FTP Program
Now that you have somewhat of a firm grasp on HTML, we need to get your files on our server. In order to accomplish this, you must first obtain an FTP program, which stands for File Transfer Protocol. This will allow you to connect to our web page server, and upload your HTML files, image files, etc.
I personally like using a program called WS-FTP - its easy to set up and configure.
It can be found and downloaded for free from a site know as TUCOWS .

3. Check on account status
If your uncertain, please give us a call to ensure your account is set up properly for uploading web pages on our web server. Basically - try and upload your web pages - if you get an error from your FTP program that explains invalid username/password, then please give us a call or send an e-mail to webmaster@tqci.net

4. Connect to us
Go ahead and connect to us, making sure that you have your FTP program set up for the following:
Host name/address:
Host type: Automatic Detect (or Unix)
User ID: your_login_name (ensure it is in lowercase letters)
Password: your_password (ensure it is in lowercase letters)

5. Important directory - public_html
When you connect, you will be placed in your home directory. With whatever FTP program you use, you will have one side that shows the data on your hard drive(s), and one side that will show the information on our server.
You will notice a directory on our server that is titled "public_html." You will want to move to that directory, for this directory is what will hold your HTML files. You may also create sub directories in public_html.

6. Important file - index.html
The first file that the server will look for by default is "index.html." It is suggested that you name the first page you want people to see when they hit your URL to be "index.html." If you don't have your first page named this, whoever hits your main url will get an error that they are forbidden.

7. Upload files and don't worry!
You simply move all the appropriate files from your hard drive to our server, and thats it. Don't be afraid to test things over and over until you understand; you can't mess up the configuration on our server by simply uploading HTML files, images, etc.

8. Please ask
If you have any questions whatsoever, please e-mail webmaster@tqci.net I will be happy to answer any questions you have concerning HTML, uploading files, etc. I don't really have the time to teach someone from scratch, however I am more then willing to help someone overcome a few hurdles..