Pegasus SMTP Authentication Setup Instructions Pegasus 3.12c allows you to use something called "SMTP authentication" which prevents people from sending unwanted "spam" e-mails to our customers. You will need to be setup with this in Pegasus in order to send e-mails on our system. Don't worry about the technical jargon. The setup is quick and easy. This website will show you how to do it. Begin by opening Pegasus. (You don't need to be connected to the Internet but it wouldn't hurt.) Click the File menu in the top left corner and choose "Network configuration" as pictured below. A new window will pop-up. You will start in the "General" tab as shown below. We don't need to make any changes here. Click the "Sending (SMTP)" tab at the top to change the window. You will already have most of the settings that you need from prior use of Pegasus on our system. We simply need to make sure that the "Authentication" option is correct. Choose the third authentication option with a checkmark (just click on the box) and put in your "Login with username" information. For example, santa@northpole.com would login with santa and the password for that particular e-mail account. You will also need to put in your password. Don't worry that it looks like a bunch of ****. Click OK. You can now connect to the internet to send and receive e-mail. (Don't forget that you actually have to connect to the internet before you can send or receive e-mail.) |