Cancellation Information For Various ISPs Quick Links: | AOL | MSN | AT&T WorldNet | Prodigy | CompuServe | EarthLink/MindSpring | Juno | GTE/BellAtlantic/Verizon | General Intro: This page has the cancellation information for some of the bigger ISPs. Be sure to have the following information available when you contact them to cancel your account:
AOL America Online: AOL accepts cancellations by the following means:
MSN Microsoft Network: MSN only accepts cancellations by phone at 800-386-5550 AT&T WorldNet: AT&T WorldNet only accepts cancellations by phone at 888-613-3064 Prodigy only accepts cancellations by phone at 800-213-0992 CompuServe only accepts cancellations by phone at 800-292-3900 EarthLink/MindSpring: EarthLink/MindSpring only accepts cancellations by phone as follows:
Juno: Juno only accepts cancellations by phone at 888-811-5866. GTE/Bell Atlantic/Verizon: Members must cancel at a special website located at