TQCi Technical Reference
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I heard I can connect to America Online through my Internet
connection with you. Is that true?
Yes, you can in fact connect to America Online
through our Internet connection. If you don't already have an account with America Online,
please take the time to call them and ask them what you will need to do. Once you have an
account set up, follow these directions to set it up to connect through us.
1. Dial in and make a connection to TQCI.
2. Start America Online
3. On the main screen, please choose Setup.
4. On the left side, it will say "Home Location"
5. On the right side, choose "Edit"
6. Remove the phone numbers from each side
7. Set the baud rate to the maximum on each side
8. For the type of dial-up network, please open the drop down box and choose
"TCP/IP" for both sides
9. Thats it - hit OK, then OK again
Tip: The next time you connect, go to KEYWORD: Billing - change your billing rate to
"BYOA," or Bring Your Own Access
10. If you have any problems - please e-mail webmaster@tqci.net